Care that comes to you, let us provide high-quality care!

Welcome to Safe Heaven Home Care Services!

At Safe Heaven Home Care Services, our mission is to empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives by providing comprehensive and compassionate healthcare services. We believe that every individual deserves the utmost respect, dignity, and personalized care, regardless of their circumstances. Our dedicated team is driven by the vision of creating a healthier, more inclusive community that supports the well-being of all its members.

Our Services

Safe Heaven Home Care Services provides services through Medical Assistance and Waiver Programs. Select a service below to learn more

Housing Stabilization Services

Housing Consultation

Housing Transtioning

Housing Sustaining

24-HR Emergency Assistance

On-call counseling and problem-solving and/or immediate response for assistance at a person's house due to a health/personal emergency.

Adult Companion

Help a person work toward a therapeutic or community integration goal in their support plan.

Referral Form

Have someone in mind you’d like to place a referral form? Click on the more info to learn more

What People Say?








